Hank Qu
我的名字叫 Hank Qu. 我是联合保险West Markham分行的一个保险代理经纪。 我出生于中国,在中国成长和受到教育,我是以一个留学生的身份来到加拿大多伦多,也和许多的留学生一样在这里毕业后选择留在了这里。我经营过一家餐厅生意,在当时我的保险代理是我的分行经理Snow Huang,她在保险方面帮了我很多,给了我很多的建议,也从此让我接触到了保险代理这项工作。让我了解到生活和工作在北美,保险常识的重要性。现如今我已经是一名保险代理经济隶属于联合保险West Markham分行,我们是一个主要经营商业保险,并同时发展个人的汽车,房屋,旅游,人寿,投资,等综合保险业务的团队。我们的目标是帮我们的客人做一份最合适,最合理,最有价值的保险。如果您有一个新开的商业,或者您的个人保险被保险公司停保,又或者你需要规划一下您的个人资产投资,或遗产规划,请联系我。我想我们一定会帮到您的。我们的宗旨是 “您做您想做的,您的保障有我们来保证!” 希望在不久的将来能够为你服务。
My Name is Hank Qu. I am a broker as a team member at BrokerTeam West Markham Branch。I was born and raised in China, I came to Canada as an International Student. As many visa students at that time, I decided to stay in Canada. I used to own a restaurant, there were some insurance issues when I did the operating. My team leader Snow Huang was my insurance broker, not only she gave me suggestions, but also helped me to solved problems at that time. What I found out was the insurance knowledge is very important in working and living in North America. Then, I met my turning point, I joined in the team of BrokerTeam West Markham Branch as an Insurance Broker. Our team is mainly focused on working on Commercial Insurance, and our goal is to help our client to find a most suitable and valuable Insurance. Don’t wait to Call Us right now, if you have a newly opened business, or cancelled by your current insurance company. We believe we can help you. Our slogan is “you take care of your business, and we will take care of you!” I am looking forward to assisting you in the future.