Twelve, a number that signifies the completion of a cycle. As two 12 hours tick, a new day begins. As 12 months go by, a new year commences. As 12 years pass, a new Chinese Zodiac cycle starts.
The year 2017 is BrokerTeam’s twelfth year, and we are entering a new stage of our journey… with more energy and more maturity than when we first began.
We want to do more than just celebrate this joyous occasion. We want to re-establish our goals, reaffirm our dedication, and redefine our future. We want to do something memorable, so that we can continue to work as a team and so our clients can continue to grow with us.
That’s why we took this opportunity to create a new look and feel for the company. Because we believe:
Design creates culture.
Culture shapes values.
Values determine the future.
Robert L. Peters
How Should We Define BrokerTeam?
We did some soul-searching, and we discovered we can’t stray too far from our cultural roots nor from ourselves. The mountain and water from within us represent BrokerTeam’s identity, and we’ve decided to include that in our new logo.
We’ve taken the traditional symbols for the natural elements of mountain and water, and combined them to embrace tai chi’s representation of harmonious balance.
Mountain – Always Changing, yet Always Unyielding
Enduring four vastly different seasons, a mountain stands firm with unyielding strength. You rarely see just one mountain standing alone; they are always in a range, standing strong. Just like BrokerTeam: We stand together, and we grow together.
Water – Just as Powerful, Just as Gentle
Taking on the ever-changing environment, water has the ability to adapt, to prevail, and to alter surroundings. This represents BrokerTeam’s individual and corporate growth, our dedication when faced with challenges, and our ability to break innovative grounds within the industry.
We believe that:
Design is not just what it looks like and feels like.
Design is how it works.
Steve Jobs
This new logo doesn’t just give our company a new look. It reinforces the foundation of our past, while redefining the outlook of our future.
We will take what we’ve learned from our 12 year’s history and use it to build the next 12 years. To create a BrokerTeam that we can be proud of; to be there when times are tough and when times are good. For both our own brokers and our clients.
We want to challenge the impossible.