As the COVID-19 pandemic winds down, people have become more comfortable travelling domestically and internationally. Though more people are flying to visit family or enjoy a much-needed vacation, it’s important to remember how unpredictable things still are. It has never been more crucial to purchase travel insurance before a trip. It’s the best way to protect ourselves against risks of financial losses when travelling.
Of course, buying travel insurance today is different than it was a few years ago. The pandemic has brought about new restrictions and regulations surrounding insurance that every expectant traveler should be aware of. We’re happy to help people keep up to date on these recent changes and offer tips on selecting the right post-covid travel insurance policy. That way, everyone can have peace of mind while enjoying their vacations!
Some Countries Now Require Travel Insurance
In response to the COVID-19 pandemic, several countries have made travel insurance mandatory for all travellers wanting to enter. Though subject to change at any time, this list of countries currently includes Aruba, Lebanon, Cambodia, and Seychelles. These countries will require proof of insurance and usually a negative PCR test.
Unvaccinated People May Have Fewer Options
The countries listed above aren’t the only places that have made travel insurance mandatory. Some cruise lines require all unvaccinated passengers to have travel insurance that meets a certain threshold (in terms of medical expense coverage and emergency medical evacuation). Unvaccinated travellers should look into these requirements before purchasing insurance.
Check Travel Advisories Regularly
In the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic, regularly checking for government travel advisory updates is essential. The vast majority of travel insurance policies do not cover travel to a country where the Government of Canada has issued a Level 3 or 4 travel advisory. To secure insurance for travel to these places, one would need special high-risk travel insurance.
Of course, checking travel advisories has always been important. It’s just the unpredictability of COVID-19 that has made this step even more critical. If a country is issued a Level 3 or 4 travel advisory, those who hope to travel there will need to cancel their plans or switch to a different insurance policy.
What to Look for When Shopping for Travel Insurance During COVID
When people discuss risk in regards to travelling during COVID, a lot of the concern surrounds catching the illness and requiring medical care in a different country. However, there are many other risks to consider, even as the pandemic is winding down. Delayed flights, the need to quarantine internationally, and cancelling entire trips are other problems to consider.
That’s why everyone needs travel insurance that offers the broadest protection possible, from minor inconveniences to serious illnesses. Here are a few important things to look for when shopping for travel insurance during COVID.
Travel Coverage for COVID-Related Problems
Before purchasing a travel insurance policy, make sure it offers COVID coverage. This includes medical costs for treatment and hospitalization for COVID and quarantine coverage.
Quarantine coverage is for people that are exposed or test positive for COVID and have to quarantine themselves during their trip. This coverage could include expenses for returning home, meals, accommodation, and telephone calls.
Travel Cancellation Coverage
If one member of a family or friend group catches COVID, the entire trip may need to be cancelled. In these cases, those who purchased an insurance policy with trip cancellation coverage can be reimbursed for things like airline tickets, rental cars, and hotel rooms.
Though trip cancellation coverage is included in most travel insurance policies, it’s still important to check the policy for a list of acceptable cancellation reasons. It varies by policy, but most will reimburse insurers in the case of a serious family emergency and the injury, illness, or death of the traveller or a travelling companion.
Emergency Medical Transportation and Evacuation Coverage
Those who become seriously ill while travelling from COVID or other illnesses may need to be evacuated home via emergency medical transportation. The pandemic may not appear as severe as it once was, but emergency medical transportation and evacuation coverage is still a must when purchasing travel insurance.
The costs of a medical evacuation could be in the hundreds of thousands, depending on the traveller’s condition and location. In these cases, purchasing a travel insurance policy with adequate emergency transportation and evacuation coverage could save travellers from financial ruin.
Ensure a Fun and Stress-Free Travel Experience
For those who’ve been delaying their travel plans throughout the pandemic, the urge to get out there and explore has never been stronger. Still, taking the necessary time to find the right travel insurance policy should be a top priority. With great travel insurance comes peace of mind, which means more energy can be spent enjoying new experiences abroad!
Give us a call at 905-918-2611 to get a quote, or buy online below.